Ensuring Theme Compatibility with Vehicle Listings

Theme Compatibility Guide

Inventory Presser will run on any theme. Follow these steps to find out which method works best with your favorite WordPress theme.

☑️ Install & Activate the free Inventory Presser plugin

☑️ Load the sample vehicles

☑️ Check “Provide single and archive templates” at Vehicles → Options

☑️ Visit yoursite.com/inventory

Doesn’t look right?

If the first word of each listing is “Mileage”, your problem is post excerpts.

Some themes work great right away, like Twenty Twenty. While testing both Astra and OceanWP, we found post excerpts needed to be disabled in order for the vehicle archive or listing page to work correctly. If you’re having trouble with the way Inventory Presser displays vehicle listings out of the box, post type archives might display post excerpts instead of full posts. Post excerpts with “read more” links strip HTML from the post content and break vehicle lists. If you see post dates, author names, and vehicle attributes running together without spaces, your theme not optimally displaying vehicle content.

How to Disable Post Excerpts in your Theme

AstraChange Customizer setting BlogBlog / ArchivePost Content from “Excerpt” to “Full Content.”
BlocksyChange Customizer setting Post typesVehiclesCards OptionsCard ElementsExcerpt from “Excerpt” to “Full Post”
DiviEnable Blog Style Mode at dashboard menu DiviTheme OptionsGeneral
Read the Divi Setup Guide →
OceanWPChange Customizer setting BlogBlog EntriesExcerpt Length to 500

Can’t seem to fix the default archive?

Create a new page and insert the [invp_archive] shortcode.

If your vehicle pages do not look like our screenshots, or you cannot disable excerpts, create two pages that contain these shortcodes as a workaround.

Screenshot on Twenty Twenty

Here is a screenshot of Inventory Presser displaying vehicles in the Twenty Twenty theme before any custom CSS.

This may not be ready to launch, but it is many minutes ahead of writing a custom template to show the fields Inventory Presser uses to list a vehicle.

This screenshot shows a vehicle archive on the Twenty Twenty theme before any customization. An add-on plugin for AutoCheck vehicle history reports places a button near every vehicle.

See Also

Elementor Add-on

Add vehicle attributes to Elementor’s list of Dynamic Tags→


Build listings and vehicle details pages with blocks→