Built-in Price Display Types
Inventory Presser ships with eight different ways of displaying vehicle prices. Change the price display type on the settings page.
- ${Price}
- ${MSRP}
- ${Price} / ${Down Payment} Down
- ${Down Payment} Down
- Retail ${MSRP} Now ${Price} You Save ${MSRP}-{Price}
- ${Payment} {Frequency}
- ${Down payment} / ${Payment} {Frequency}
- Call For Price
${Price} is the default. If a vehicle has no price or zero, “Call for Price” will be shown to shoppers instead of zero. The Call For Price option will display Call For Price regardless of the price field’s value.
Legal Implications in the USA
Dealerships in the United States of America must abide by the Truth-in-Lending Act of 1968. Sharing any triggering terms like down payments or monthly payments requires a financial disclosure.
For example, if any of the following sample triggering terms are used in advertising, the ad must contain certain disclosures:
- The amount of a down payment expressed as a percentage or a dollar amount (example: “5% down” or “80% financing”)
- The amount of any payment expressed as a percentage or a dollar amount (example: “$15 per month” or “monthly payments of under $100”)
- The number of payments (example: “60 monthly payments and you’re paid up” or “12 small payments is all you owe”)
- The total time required to pay and the period of repayment (example: “5-year loans available” or “just 36 low monthly payments”)
- The finance charge amount (example: “Less than $200 interest” or “financing costs less than $99”)
If any of these trigger terms appear in an ad, the ad must disclose the following information:
- The amount or percentage of the down payment
- The repayment terms
- The annual percentage rate (APR); the term of the loan must also be spelled out
- Whether the APR can be raised after the credit is issued
In addition, the law requires that these disclosures be “clear and conspicuous” and in “reasonably understandable form.”4
Learn more at https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/triggering-term.asp
Add Custom Price Display Types
Both the list on the settings page and the output of vehicle prices are filterable.
Use the invp_price_display_options
filter to add price display options to the drop down on the settings page.
Use the invp_price_display
filter to customize vehicle prices inside the invp_get_the_price()
template tag.