Registers JavaScripts and stylesheets for front-end users and dashboard users. Includes some inline styles and scripts depending on the plugin settings and page request.
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File: inventory-presser.php
public static function include_scripts_and_styles() { // This method might have run already. if ( wp_script_is( 'invp-slider', 'registered' ) ) { // Abort. return; } // Allow dashicons use on frontend. wp_enqueue_style( 'dashicons' ); /** * Register stylesheets that will only be enqueued when specific * widgets or shortcodes are used. */ $min = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; wp_register_style( 'invp-grid', plugins_url( "css/widget-grid{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); wp_register_style( 'invp-maximum-price-filters', plugins_url( "css/widget-maximum-price-filters{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); wp_register_style( 'invp-epa-fuel-economy', plugins_url( "css/widget-epa-fuel-economy{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); wp_register_style( 'invp-slider', plugins_url( "css/widget-slider{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Register a script without a .js URL for our inline invp object. if ( ! wp_script_is( 'invp', 'registered' ) ) { $settings = INVP::settings(); wp_register_script( 'invp', '', array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_add_inline_script( 'invp', 'var invp = ' . wp_json_encode( array( 'hull_materials' => apply_filters( 'invp_default_hull_materials', array( __( 'Aluminum', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Carbon Fiber', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Composite', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Ferro-Cement', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Fiberglass', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Hypalon', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Other', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'PVC', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Steel', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Wood', 'inventory-presser' ), ) ), 'is_singular' => is_singular( INVP::POST_TYPE ), // Used by flexslider.js. 'meta_prefix' => INVP::meta_prefix(), // Used by classic-editor.js & editor-sidebar.js. 'odometer_label' => apply_filters( 'invp_odometer_word', __( 'Odometer', 'inventory-presser' ) ), 'odometer_units' => apply_filters( 'invp_odometer_word', __( 'miles', 'inventory-presser' ) ), 'payment_frequencies' => apply_filters( 'invp_default_payment_frequencies', array( 'Monthly' => 'monthly', 'Weekly' => 'weekly', 'Bi-weekly' => 'biweekly', 'Semi-monthly' => 'semimonthly', ) ), 'taxonomies' => $settings['taxonomies'] ?? array(), 'title_statuses' => apply_filters( 'invp_default_title_statuses', array( __( 'Unspecified', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Clear', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Clean', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Flood, Water Damage', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Lemon and Manufacturers Buyback', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Rebuild, Rebuildable, and Reconstructed', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Salvage', 'inventory-presser' ), __( 'Other', 'inventory-presser' ), ) ), ) ) . ';' ); // Register a script for our blocks, also without a .js URL. wp_register_script( 'invp-blocks', '', array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Provide the vehicle post type meta keys and prefix to JavaScript. wp_add_inline_script( 'invp-blocks', 'const invp_blocks = ' . wp_json_encode( array( 'currency_symbol' => INVP::currency_symbol(), 'keys' => INVP::keys_and_types(), 'meta_prefix' => INVP::meta_prefix(), 'odometer_units' => apply_filters( 'invp_odometer_word', __( 'Miles', 'inventory-presser' ) ), 'use_carfax' => $settings['use_carfax'], 'use_carfax_provided_buttons' => $settings['use_carfax_provided_buttons'], ) ), 'before' ); /** * Register a stylesheet for the Block Editor. This makes the * blocks provided by this plugin more pleasant to work with. */ wp_register_style( 'invp-block-editor', plugins_url( "css/block-editor{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); } /** * Register flexslider and provide overrides for scripts and styles */ $min_dash = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '-min'; // Dash not dot! wp_register_script( 'flexslider', plugins_url( "/vendor/woocommerce/FlexSlider/jquery.flexslider{$min_dash}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'invp', 'jquery' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Our overrides. wp_register_script( 'invp-flexslider', plugins_url( "/js/flexslider{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'flexslider' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Another flexslider spin-up script for the Vehicle Slider widget. wp_register_script( 'invp-slider', plugins_url( "/js/widget-slider{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'flexslider' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'invp_sort_by', plugins_url( "/js/shortcode-sort-by{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Sort by Vehicle Attributes (Order By) widget. wp_register_script( 'order-by-widget-javascript', plugins_url( "js/order-by-post-meta-widget{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Flexslider. wp_register_style( 'flexslider', plugins_url( ( ! empty( $min ) ? "/css/woocommerce-flexslider{$min}.css" : '/vendor/woocommerce/FlexSlider/flexslider.css' ), INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), null, INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Our Flexslider overrides. wp_register_style( 'invp-flexslider', plugins_url( "/css/flexslider{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'flexslider' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Register the iFrameResizer.js script for use by our shortcode and Iframe block. wp_register_script( 'invp-iframe-resizer', plugins_url( "/js/iframe-resizer/iframeResizer{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); /** * Register a stylesheet that will be used by two shortcodes, *and */ wp_register_style( 'invp-attribute-table', plugins_url( "/css/vehicle-attribute-table{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), null, INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Register a stylesheet for the archive vehicle shortcode. wp_register_style( 'invp_archive_vehicle', plugins_url( "/css/shortcode-archive-vehicle{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), null, INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Register a stylesheet for the single vehicle shortcode. wp_register_style( 'invp_single_vehicle', plugins_url( "/css/shortcode-single-vehicle{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), null, INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Register leaflet.js script and style files used in Map widget. wp_register_script( Inventory_Presser_Map_Widget::SCRIPT_HANDLE_LEAFLET, plugins_url( 'js/leaflet/leaflet.js', INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'invp-maps', plugins_url( "js/widget-map{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( Inventory_Presser_Map_Widget::SCRIPT_HANDLE_LEAFLET ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_register_style( Inventory_Presser_Map_Widget::SCRIPT_HANDLE_LEAFLET, plugins_url( "js/leaflet/leaflet{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); wp_register_style( Inventory_Presser_Map_Widget::ID_BASE, plugins_url( "css/widget-map{$min}.css", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION ); // Admin location meta scripts. wp_register_script( 'inventory-presser-timepicker', plugins_url( '/js/jquery.timepicker.min.js', INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'jquery' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'inventory-presser-location', plugins_url( "/js/tax-location{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'inventory-presser-timepicker', 'jquery-ui-sortable' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Classic Editor scripts. wp_register_script( 'invp-classic-editor', plugins_url( "/js/classic-editor{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'invp' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Google Maps widget scripts. wp_register_script( 'invp_google_maps_v3', plugins_url( "js/widget-google-maps-v3{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'invp_google_maps_v3_goog' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); }
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