Inventory_Presser_Addon_Updater::check_update( array $_transient_data )
Check for Updates at the defined API endpoint and modify the update array.
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Description Description
This function dives into the update API just when WordPress creates its update array, then adds a custom API call and injects the custom plugin data retrieved from the API.<br>It is reassembled from parts of the native WordPress plugin update code.<br>See wp-includes/update.php line 121 for the original wp_update_plugins() function.
Parameters Parameters
- $_transient_data
(array) (Required) Update array build by WordPress.
Return Return
(array) Modified update array with custom plugin data.
Source Source
File: includes/addon/class-addon-updater.php
public function check_update( $_transient_data ) { global $pagenow; if ( ! is_object( $_transient_data ) ) { $_transient_data = new stdClass(); } if ( 'plugins.php' === $pagenow && is_multisite() ) { return $_transient_data; } if ( ! empty( $_transient_data->response ) && ! empty( $_transient_data->response[ $this->name ] ) && false === $this->wp_override ) { return $_transient_data; } $current = $this->get_repo_api_data(); if ( false !== $current && is_object( $current ) && isset( $current->new_version ) ) { if ( version_compare( $this->version, $current->new_version, '<' ) ) { $_transient_data->response[ $this->name ] = $current; } else { // Populating the no_update information is required to support auto-updates in WordPress 5.5. $_transient_data->no_update[ $this->name ] = $current; } } $_transient_data->last_checked = time(); $_transient_data->checked[ $this->name ] = $this->version; return $_transient_data; }
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