How to Send ADF XML Leads Using Contact Form 7

Inventory Presser’s integration with Contact Form 7 includes mail tags [invp_adf_vehicle], [invp_adf_vendor], and [invp_adf_timestamp] to make sending ADF XML format leads a little easier.

Implement the ADF Timestamp & Vehicle Mail Tags

1. Install & activate Inventory Presser and Contact Form 7

2. Populate the message body of the Mail tab of your form

<?xml version="1.0"?><?adf version="1.0"?><adf><prospect><requestdate>[invp_adf_timestamp]</requestdate><status>new</status>[invp_adf_vehicle]<customer><contact><name part="full">[your-name]</name><email>[your-email]</email><phone>[your-phone]</phone><address /></contact><comments>[your-message]</comments></customer>[invp_adf_vendor]<provider><name>Friday Systems</name><service>Inventory Presser</service><url></url><email></email><phone>800-677-7160</phone></provider></prospect></adf>

Here is an easier to read version of the same message body code:

<?xml version="1.0"?><?adf version="1.0"?>
			<name part="full">[your-name]</name>
			<address />
		<name>Friday Systems</name>
		<service>Inventory Presser</service>

3. Make sure your form contains the [invp_vehicle] form tag

Ensure that the other form fields for name, email, phone, etc, match between the Form tab and the Mail tab templates.

From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Phone: [your-phone]

<label> Your Name, Lead Contact Form
    [text* your-name] </label>

<label> Your Email
    [email* your-email]</label>

<label> Your Phone
    [text* your-phone] </label>

[invp_vehicle vehicle]

<label> Your message (optional)
    [textarea your-message] </label>

[submit "Send"]

That’s it!