Redirect_404_Vehicles::maybe_redirect( WP $wp_obj )

Checks to see if the request is for a vehicle that no longer exists.

Description Description

If it was, it decides where to redirect the user and performs that redirect.

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Parameters Parameters


(WP) (Required) Current WordPress environment instance (passed by reference).

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: includes/class-redirect-404-vehicles.php

		public function maybe_redirect( $wp_obj ) {

			if ( is_admin() ) {

			// is this a 404?
			// is this a request for a vehicle?
			if ( ! is_404() || ! $this->is_request_for_vehicle( $wp_obj ) ) {

			// base link to the inventory page.
			$url = get_post_type_archive_link( INVP::POST_TYPE );

			// get the make out of the slug.
			$make = $this->extract_make( $wp_obj );
			if ( ! is_string( $make ) || '' == $make ) {
				// no make, redirect to vehicle archive.
				wp_safe_redirect( $url, 302 );

			// are there cars in this make?
			$term = get_term_by( 'slug', $make, 'make' );
			if ( ! $term || 0 === $term->count ) {
				// no cars in this make, go to vehicle archive.
				wp_safe_redirect( $url, 302 );

			// redirect to this make's archive.
			$url = get_term_link( $make, 'make' );
			if ( is_wp_error( $url ) ) {
				// no link created for this make? go to vehicle archive.
				wp_safe_redirect( $url, 302 );

			wp_safe_redirect( $url, 302 );