INVP::fetch_latitude_and_longitude( int $location_term_id )

Given the ID of a term in the locations taxonomy, this method returns an object with members lat and lon that contain latitude and longitude coordinates of the address. If the coordinates are saved in meta keys address_lat and address_lon, those are provided. If no coordinates are saved, it bounces the address off to see if that service knows where the address is located. If coordinates cannot be found, false is returned.

Parameters Parameters


(int) (Required) The ID of a term in the locations taxonomy.

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Return Return

(object|false) An object with members "lat" and "lon" or false

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Source Source

File: includes/class-invp.php

	public static function fetch_latitude_and_longitude( $location_term_id ) {
		// Get all term meta for this location.
		$meta = get_term_meta( $location_term_id );
		// Do we already have a saved latitude and longitude pair?
		if ( ! empty( $meta['address_lat'][0] ) && ! empty( $meta['address_lon'][0] ) ) {
			// Yes.
			return (object) array(
				'lat' => $meta['address_lat'][0],
				'lon' => $meta['address_lon'][0],

		 * Get latitude and longitude using the address, but use a version of
		 * the address without street address line two (unless that version of
		 * the address has been added to
		$address_str = '';
		if ( ! empty( $meta['address_street'][0] ) ) {
			$address_str .= $meta['address_street'][0];
		if ( ! empty( $meta['address_city'][0] ) ) {
			$address_str .= ', ' . $meta['address_city'][0];
		if ( ! empty( $meta['address_state'][0] ) ) {
			$address_str .= ', ' . $meta['address_state'][0];
		if ( ! empty( $meta['address_zip'][0] ) ) {
			$address_str .= ' ' . $meta['address_zip'][0];
		if ( empty( trim( $address_str, ', \n\r\t\v\0' ) ) ) {
			return false;

		$result = wp_remote_get( '' . rawurlencode( $address_str ) );
		if ( is_wp_error( $result ) ) {
			return false;
		$body = json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $result ) );
		if ( ! empty( $body[0] ) && ! empty( $body[0]->lat ) && ! empty( $body[0]->lon ) ) {
			 * Save the latitude and longitude coordinates so we don't have to
			 * look them up again.
			update_term_meta( $location_term_id, 'address_lat', $body[0]->lat );
			update_term_meta( $location_term_id, 'address_lon', $body[0]->lon );

			return (object) array(
				'lat' => $body[0]->lat,
				'lon' => $body[0]->lon,

		// The address probably doesn't exist on
		return false;