Inventory_Presser_Taxonomies::sort_terms_as_numbers( string $order_by, array $args, string[] $taxonomies )
Makes sure that taxonomy terms that are numbers are sorted as numbers.
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Parameters Parameters
- $order_by
(string) (Required) ORDERBY clause of the terms query.
- $args
(array) (Required) An array of term query arguments.
- $taxonomies
(string[]) (Required) An array of taxonomy names.
Return Return
(string) The changed ORDERBY clause of the terms query
Source Source
File: includes/class-taxonomies.php
public function sort_terms_as_numbers( $order_by, $args, $taxonomies ) { if ( '' === $order_by ) { return $order_by; } if ( null === $taxonomies ) { return $order_by; } $taxonomies_to_sort = array( 'cylinders', 'model_year', ); foreach ( $taxonomies_to_sort as $taxonomy_to_sort ) { if ( in_array( $taxonomy_to_sort, $taxonomies, true ) ) { $order_by .= '+0'; break; } } return $order_by; }
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