Inventory_Presser_Taxonomies::meta_box_html( WP_Post $post, array $box )
Outputs HTML that renders a meta box in the Classic Editor for all our taxonomies.
On This Page
Parameters Parameters
- $post
(WP_Post) (Required) Current post object.
- $box
(array) (Required) Categories meta box arguments.
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/class-taxonomies.php
public static function meta_box_html( $post, $box ) { $taxonomy = $box['args']['taxonomy'] ?? ''; if ( '' === $taxonomy ) { return; } printf( '%1$s <a href="edit-tags.php?taxonomy=%2$s&post_type=%3$s">%4$s</a>', self::taxonomy_meta_box_html( $taxonomy, apply_filters( 'invp_prefix_meta_key', $taxonomy ), $post ), esc_attr( $taxonomy ), esc_attr( INVP::POST_TYPE ), esc_html__( 'Manage', 'inventory-presser' ) ); }
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