

Description Description

A shortcode that creates a content-single template for the vehicle post type.

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Source Source

File: includes/shortcode/class-shortcode-single-vehicle.php

class Inventory_Presser_Shortcode_Single_Vehicle {

	 * Adds two shortcodes
	 * @return void
	public function add() {
		add_shortcode( 'invp-single-vehicle', array( $this, 'content' ) );
		add_shortcode( 'invp_single_vehicle', array( $this, 'content' ) );

	 * Adds hooks that power the shortcode
	 * @return void
	public function add_hooks() {
		add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add' ) );

	 * Creates the HTML content of the shortcode
	 * @param  array $atts
	 * @return string HTML that renders a vehicle single template
	public function content( $atts ) {
		if ( ! is_singular( INVP::POST_TYPE ) ) {
			return '';

		$image_url_lists = invp_get_the_photos( array( 'full', 'large', 'thumb' ) );

		if ( ! wp_style_is( 'invp-attribute-table', 'registered' ) ) {
		wp_enqueue_style( 'invp-attribute-table' );
		wp_enqueue_style( 'flexslider' );
		wp_enqueue_style( 'invp-flexslider' );
		wp_enqueue_style( 'invp_single_vehicle' );
		wp_enqueue_script( 'invp-flexslider', '', array(), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true );


		?><div class="vehicle-info">

			<div class="post-inner">

				<div class="post-thumbnail">
					<div class="vehicle-content">
						<h2 class="post-title vehicle-price">
								echo esc_html( invp_get_the_price() );

						// if dealership has multiple locations, display the location of this vehicle.
						$location_sentence = invp_get_the_location_sentence();
						if ( ! empty( $location_sentence ) ) {
								'<div class="vehicle-location">%s</div>',

					<div class="vehicle-images">
						<div id="slider-width"></div>
						<div id="slider" class="flexslider">
							<ul class="slides">

							if ( isset( $image_url_lists['large'] ) ) {
								$photo_count = count( $image_url_lists['large'] );
								for ( $p = 0; $p < $photo_count; $p++ ) {
									// Inventory Presser versions 8.1.0 and above provide the 'urls'.
									if ( isset( $image_url_lists['urls'][ $p ] ) ) {
											'<li><a data-href="%s">%s</a></li>',
											esc_attr( $image_url_lists['urls'][ $p ] ),
											$image_url_lists['large'][ $p ]
									} else {
											$image_url_lists['large'][ $p ]
							} else {
								// Vehicle has no photos.
								// Allow the invp_no_photo_url filter to work.
								$url = invp_get_the_photo_url( 'full' );
								if ( ! empty( $url ) ) {
										'<li><a data-href="%1$s"><img decoding="async" src="%1$s" class="attachment-large size-large invp-image" alt="" draggable="false" /></a></li>',
										esc_attr( $url )

						if ( isset( $image_url_lists['thumb'] ) && count( $image_url_lists['thumb'] ) > 1 ) {
							<div id="carousel" class="flexslider no-preview">
							<ul class="slides">

							foreach ( $image_url_lists['thumb'] as $image ) {
								printf( '<li>%s</li>', $image );



				<div class="vehicle-columns">

					$attribute_table = apply_shortcodes( '' );
				if ( ! empty( $attribute_table ) ) {

						<div class="vehicle-summary">

						echo $attribute_table;



					<div class="vehicle-buttons">

						do_action( 'invp_single_buttons' );


				<div class="vehicle-content">

					$sections = array();

					$description = invp_get_the_description();
				if ( ! empty( $description ) ) {
					$sections['description'] = sprintf(
						'<h2 class="vehicle-content-wrap">%s</h2><div class="vehicle-content-wrap">%s</div>',
						__( 'Description', 'inventory-presser' ),
						wpautop( $description )

					// if there's a youtube video associated with this vehicle, embed it.
				if ( invp_get_the_youtube_url() ) {
					$sections['youtube'] = wp_oembed_get( invp_get_the_youtube_url() );

					$options_array = invp_get_the_options();
				if ( ! empty( $options_array ) ) {
					// loop through list of vehicle options.
					$options_html = '';
					foreach ( invp_get_the_options() as $option ) {
						$options_html .= sprintf( '<li>%s</li>', $option );

					$sections['options'] = sprintf(
						'<h2 class="vehicle-features">%s</h2><ul class="vehicle-features">%s</ul>',
						__( 'Options', 'inventory-presser' ),

					$sections = apply_filters( 'invp_single_sections', $sections );

						function ( $value ) {
							echo $value;


		return ob_get_clean();

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Methods Methods

  • add — Adds two shortcodes
  • add_hooks — Adds hooks that power the shortcode
  • content — Creates the HTML content of the shortcode