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Creates a shortcode that outputs a vehicle identification number.
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File: includes/shortcode/class-shortcode-attribute-table.php
class Inventory_Presser_Shortcode_Attribute_Table { /** * Adds two shortcodes. * * @return void */ public function add() { add_shortcode( 'invp-attribute-table', array( $this, 'content' ) ); add_shortcode( 'invp_attribute_table', array( $this, 'content' ) ); } /** * Adds hooks that power the shortcode. * * @return void */ public function add_hooks() { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'add' ) ); } /** * Creates the string content that replaces the shortcode. * * @param array $atts Shortcode attributes. * @return string */ public function content( $atts ) { $atts = shortcode_atts( array( // uh. ), $atts, 'attribute_table' ); // Use shortcode_atts_attribute_table to filter the incoming attributes. $post_ID = get_the_ID(); $invp_settings = INVP::settings(); /** * Build an array of items that will make up a table * of vehicle attributes. If a value key is not * provided, the member will be used directly on the * vehicle object to find the value. */ $table_items = array(); // Book Value. if ( ! isset( $invp_settings['price_display'] ) || 'genes' !== $invp_settings['price_display'] ) { $book_value = invp_get_the_book_value( $post_ID ); if ( ! empty( $book_value ) && invp_get_raw_book_value( $post_ID ) > invp_get_raw_price( $post_ID ) ) { $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'book_value', 'label' => __( 'Book Value', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => $book_value, ); } } // Boat-specific fields. if ( invp_is_boat( $post_ID ) ) { // Body Style. For Boats! $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'body_style', 'label' => __( 'Body Style', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_body_style( $post_ID ), ); } // Odometer. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'odometer', 'label' => apply_filters( 'invp_odometer_word', __( 'Mileage', 'inventory-presser' ) ), 'value' => invp_get_the_odometer( ' ' . apply_filters( 'invp_odometer_word', 'Miles' ), $post_ID ), ); // Transmission. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'transmission', 'label' => __( 'Transmission', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_transmission( $post_ID ), ); // Exterior Color. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'color', 'label' => __( 'Color', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_color( $post_ID ), ); // Drive Type. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'drive_type', 'label' => __( 'Drive Type', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_drive_type( $post_ID ), ); // Interior Color. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'interior_color', 'label' => __( 'Interior', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_interior_color( $post_ID ), ); // Doors. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'doors', 'label' => __( 'Doors', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_doors( $post_ID ), ); // Stock Number. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'stock_number', 'label' => __( 'Stock', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_stock_number( $post_ID ), ); // Fuel + Engine. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'engine', 'label' => __( 'Engine', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => trim( implode( ' ', array( invp_get_the_fuel( $post_ID ), invp_get_the_engine( $post_ID ) ) ) ), ); // Boat-specific engine fields. if ( invp_is_boat( $post_ID ) ) { // Number of Engines. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'engine_count', 'label' => __( 'Number of Engines', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_engine_count( $post_ID ), ); // Horsepower. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'horsepower', 'label' => __( 'Horsepower', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_horsepower( $post_ID ), ); // Length. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'length', 'label' => __( 'Length', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_length( $post_ID ), ); // Hull material. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'hull_material', 'label' => __( 'Hull Material', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_hull_material( $post_ID ), ); // Is this table displayed on a boat single? if ( is_singular( INVP::POST_TYPE ) ) { // Beam. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'beam', 'label' => __( 'Beam', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_beam( $post_ID ), ); // Draft. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'draft', 'label' => __( 'Max Draft', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_draft( $post_ID ), ); // Engine Make. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'engine_make', 'label' => __( 'Engine Make', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_engine_make( $post_ID ), ); // Engine Model. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'engine_model', 'label' => __( 'Engine Model', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_engine_model( $post_ID ), ); // Boat Condition. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'condition_boat', 'label' => __( 'Condition', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_condition_boat( $post_ID ), ); } } // VIN or HIN for boats. $table_items[] = array( 'member' => 'vin', 'label' => invp_is_boat( $post_ID ) ? __( 'HIN', 'inventory-presser' ) : __( 'VIN', 'inventory-presser' ), 'value' => invp_get_the_vin(), ); $table_items = apply_filters( 'invp_vehicle_attribute_table_items', $table_items ); $html = ''; foreach ( $table_items as $item ) { // Does the vehicle have a value for this member? $member = $item['member']; if ( empty( $item['value'] ) && empty( INVP::get_meta( $member, $post_ID ) ) ) { // No. continue; } $html .= sprintf( '<div class="item"><div class="label">%s</div><div class="value vehicle-content-initcaps">%s</div></div>', apply_filters( 'invp_label-' . $member, $item['label'] ), apply_filters( 'invp_vehicle_attribute_table_cell', empty( $item['value'] ) ? strtolower( INVP::get_meta( $member, $post_ID ) ) : $item['value'] ) ); } return apply_filters( 'invp_vehicle_attribute_table', $html ); } }
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