Inventory_Presser_Plugin::insert_settings_link( array $links )
Adds a link to the settings page near the Activate | Delete links on the list of plugins on the Plugins page.
On This Page
Parameters Parameters
- $links
(array) (Required)
Return Return
Source Source
File: inventory-presser.php
); // Classic Editor scripts. wp_register_script( 'invp-classic-editor', plugins_url( "/js/classic-editor{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ), array( 'invp' ), INVP_PLUGIN_VERSION, true ); // Google Maps widget scripts. wp_register_script( 'invp_google_maps_v3', plugins_url( "js/widget-google-maps-v3{$min}.js", INVP_PLUGIN_FILE_PATH ),
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