Inventory_Presser_Email_A_Friend::maybe_change_link( string $menu_item, WP_Post $item, int $depth, object $args )


Description Description

Fills out a mailto: link with vehicle information

Target a specific button in a specific menu and modify the URL.

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Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) item HTML


(WP_Post) (Required) post object for the menu item


(int) (Required) depth of the item for padding


(object) (Required) nav menu arguments

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Return Return


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Source Source

File: includes/class-menu-item-email-a-friend.php

	function maybe_change_link( $menu_item, $item, $depth, $args ) {
		// looking for $menu_item = <a href="mailto:">Email a Friend</a>

		// is it the vehicle details menu?
		if ( empty( $args ) || empty( $args->menu ) || empty( $args->menu->name ) || __( 'Vehicle Details Buttons', 'inventory-presser' ) != $args->menu->name ) {
			// no
			return $menu_item;

		// is it a custom link labeled email a friend?
		if ( 'Custom Link' != $item->type_label || strtolower( __( 'Email a Friend', 'inventory-presser' ) ) != strtolower( $item->title ) ) {
			// no
			return $menu_item;

		// change the link to contain vehicle information
		global $post;
		$menu_item = str_replace(
			$this->url( $post ) . '" target="_blank',

		return $menu_item;