Inventory_Presser_Admin_Photo_Arranger::remove_attachment_from_gallery( mixed $post_id, mixed $parent_id )
Parameters Parameters
- $post_id
(mixed) (Required)
- $parent_id
(mixed) (Required)
Return Return
Source Source
File: includes/admin/class-admin-photo-arranger.php
protected function remove_attachment_from_gallery( $post_id, $parent_id ) { $attachment = get_post( $post_id ); // Is this attachment an image? if ( ! wp_attachment_is_image( $attachment ) ) { // No. return; } // Is this new attachment even attached to a post? $parent = get_post( $parent_id ); // Is the new attachment attached to a vehicle? if ( empty( $parent->post_type ) || INVP::POST_TYPE !== $parent->post_type ) { // Parent post isn't a vehicle. return; } // Does the post content of the vehicle have a Gallery with a specific CSS class? $blocks = parse_blocks( $parent->post_content ); foreach ( $blocks as $index => $block ) { // Is this a core gallery block? With a specific CSS class? if ( ! $this->is_gallery_block_with_specific_css_class( $block ) ) { continue; } // Does the block already have this attachment ID? Remove it. if ( ! empty( $block['innerBlocks'] ) && $this->inner_blocks_contains_id( $block, $post_id ) ) { $inner_block_count = count( $block['innerBlocks'] ); for ( $b = 0; $b < $inner_block_count; $b++ ) { if ( $post_id === $block['innerBlocks'][ $b ]['attrs']['id'] ) { unset( $block['innerBlocks'][ $b ] ); $block['innerBlocks'] = array_values( $block['innerBlocks'] ); break; } } } // Change a CSS class to reflect the number of photos in the Gallery. $block['innerContent'][0] = preg_replace( '/ columns-[0-9]+/', ' columns-' . count( $block['innerBlocks'] ) ?? 0, $block['innerContent'][0], 2 ); // Remove a list item HTML that renders the image in the gallery. $pattern = sprintf( '/<!-- wp:image {"id":%1$d,"sizeSlug":"large","linkDestination":"none"} -->' . "[\r\n]*" . '<figure class="wp-block-image size-large"><img src="[^"]+" alt="" class="wp-image-%1$d"/></figure>' . "[\r\n]*" . '<!-- /wp:image -->/', $post_id ); $block['innerContent'][0] = preg_replace( $pattern, '', $block['innerContent'][0] ); // Update the block in the $blocks array. $blocks[ $index ] = $block; // and then update the post. $parent->post_content = serialize_blocks( $blocks ); $this->safe_update_post( $parent ); break; } }
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