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Helps send a license key to for this core plugin or any of its add-ons to verify an active site and allow updates to be downloaded.
Source Source
File: includes/addon/class-addon-license.php
class Inventory_Presser_Addon_License { const STORE_URL = ''; var $license_key; var $product_id; /** * __construct * * Populates class members * * @param string $license_key * @param int $product_id * @return void */ function __construct( $license_key, $product_id ) { $this->license_key = $license_key; $this->product_id = $product_id; } /** * is_active * * @return bool */ public function is_active() { $response = $this->api_response( 'check_license', $this->license_key ); return isset( $response['license'] ) && 'valid' == $response['license']; } /** * activate * * Activates the license with the plugin store * * @return bool */ public function activate() { $response = $this->api_response( 'activate_license', $this->license_key, $this->product_id ); return isset( $response['license'] ) && 'valid' == $response['license']; } /** * api_response * * Retrieves the license activation response from the plugin store. * * @param string $action * @return void */ private function api_response( $action ) { $response = wp_remote_get( esc_url_raw( $this->api_url( $action, $this->license_key, $this->product_id ) ) ); return json_decode( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ), true ); } /** * api_url * * Creates a URL to the plugin store where this license can be renewed. * * @param string $action * @return string A URL */ private function api_url( $action ) { return sprintf( '%s?edd_action=%s&item_id=%s&license=%s&url=%s', self::STORE_URL, $action, $this->product_id, $this->license_key, urlencode( home_url() ) ); } }
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Methods Methods
- __construct — __construct
- activate — activate
- api_response — api_response
- api_url — api_url
- is_active — is_active
Changelog Changelog
Version | Description |
5.4.0 | Introduced. |