Before running any code that modifies the behavior of Inventory Presser, make sure Inventory Presser is active. Check if the INVP
class exists.
Plugins are not loaded until after the plugins_loaded
Check if Inventory Presser is Active
if ( class_exists( 'INVP' ) ) {
//Inventory Presser is active
Check if Inventory Presser is Not Active
if ( ! class_exists( 'INVP' ) ) {
//Inventory Presser is not active
Action Hook After Inventory Presser Loads
The action hook invp_loaded
is run after Inventory Presser has completely loaded. This hook is useful to make sure add-on plugins do not load earlier than the core plugin.
add_action( 'invp_loaded', array( 'My_Addon_Loader', 'load' ) );
class My_Addon_Loader {
public static function load() {
require_once( __DIR__ . '/includes/class-addon.php' );
$addon = new My_Addon();