Inventory_Presser_Shortcode_Hours_Today::find_hours_set_by_uid( string $uid )


Description Description

Get all sets of hours attached to a term in the location taxonomy by unique ID

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Parameters Parameters


(string) (Required) A unique identifier assigned to a set of hours

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Return Return

(array) A set of hours

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Source Source

File: includes/shortcode/class-shortcode-hours-today.php

	function find_hours_set_by_uid( $uid ) {
		// get all term ids in the location taxonomy
		$location_term_ids = get_terms(
				'fields'     => 'ids',
				'orderby'    => 'term_id', // oldest first
				'taxonomy'   => 'location',
				'hide_empty' => false, // Dealers that don't tag each vehicle with a location will have no vehicles

		if ( ! is_array( $location_term_ids ) ) {
			return null;

		foreach ( $location_term_ids as $term_id ) {
			$sets = INVP::get_hours( $term_id );
			if ( empty( $sets ) ) {
			foreach ( $sets as $hours ) {
				if ( isset( $hours['uid'] ) && $uid == $hours['uid'] ) {
					// these are the hours we want
					return $hours;
		return null;